KWHC&B is also involved in many types of beautification and restoration projects. Below is a sampling of our activities:
- Project E.A.G.L.E.– Our flagship event for more than 30 years, Project EAGLE (Enhancing A Great Living Environment) is a Chain Of Lakes, shoreline and community clean-up held the last Saturday in April from 8am to 12 noon. The main registration is located at Lake Shipp Park. Sign up now:
- The Great Florida/America Clean-up – Every March, April and May, KWHC&B coordinates neighborhood clean-ups in those areas where residents are concerned with litter and junk.
- Earth Day Celebration – KWHC&B provides information and exhibits on recycling and other waste disposal options at the Water, Wings and Wild Things – Polk Nature Fest is an annual event in April.
- Community Improvement Awards – KWHC&B and the City of Winter Haven recognize private residents inside the city limits who attractively improve the overall appearance and condition of structures and landscape designs of their properties.
- Tree Seedling Give Away – KWHC&B and the City of Winter Haven donates Florida Friendly tree seedlings each February to private citizens interested in enhancing their yards and neighborhoods.
- Neighborhood Associations – KWHC&B will assist any neighborhood or “Neighborhood Association” to help keep their areas clean and free of litter.
- Get Reel Program – Kids for Fishing – KWHC&B collects new and used fishing equipment for children to learn to fish.
- Recycling Programs for Schools – Local Schools participate and earn money by recycling products in their schools.
- Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics and Tires Recycling Day – Annually on the first Saturday of December, household hazardous waste, electronics and tires are accepted at the Fieldhouse (formerly Chain of Lakes Complex) poolside parking lot area for disposal. This event is held from 8am to 12:00pm and is co-sponsored by Keep Winter Haven Clean and Beautiful, the City of Winter Haven, and Polk County for area residents.
- Dealing with Graffiti – Graffiti is a blight on our environment. It is a community problem that can lower property values and encourages more vandalism and other types of crime. A strong community response sends a clear message to those involved that “We will not tolerate it here!” KWHC&B is proactive when notified and will take immediate action for removal.